TeXutils (Obsolete, replaced by TeXaS)

Download: texutils-0.0.1
DEB (Debian/Ubuntu), RPM (SuSE/Red Hat), and TGZ (Slackware) packages available for i386, amd64 and sparc architectures.

TeXutils - Tools to assist in TeX Authoring.
Version 0.0.1
Usage: maketex [options] "filename"
Or: texpp "filename"
"filename" is the filename of the latex file you want to make, for example "filename.tex", but without the ".tex" extension, it is not required.
Starts with TeXpp, which is a TeX Pre-Processor. It will scan a file for BibTeX entries and "notify" MakeTeX, which builds the file. MakeTeX also accepts options to create PDF files, DVI files, bypassing TeXpp, creating Booklets or just simply creating a file with a preset LaTeX layout. Booklets are created by calling TeXbooklet and the layout uses TeXlayout. Try out our released packages and let us know what you think!! Available under GPL v3.

TeXutils. Copyright (C) 2008, Jesus H.
